"Whatever the future may have in store of success or of trials, nothing can blot the memory of the happy days I have spent in this city, and nothing can quench the pride I shall always feel at having been associated, even for a time, with a Faculty so notable in the past, so distinguished in the present, as that from which I now part."--W. Osler
I was so blessed to have the opportunity I did this month. Just a shout out to the Big Man upstairs who is always looking out for me- thank you! I know there is so much more to learn in the field of medicine and about myself, so third year, bring it on! General surgery starts next week.
I also wanted to send congratulations and well wishes to two of my best friends, Gosha and Anh, who have amazing things going on in their lives right now. I'm so happy for you both! For Alex, wishing you luck and skill in your training camp. I'm still your biggest fan. :)